Cooling and Heating Repairs: Brand-New HVAC Parts for Sale!
Although today’s brand-name cooling and heating equipment is definitely built to last, you can’t expect it to run forever. At some point or another, an HVAC system will usually require some common repair parts to get replaced.
Moving forward with certain types of HVAC repairs may not be a big deal. Then again, you might be looking at a cooling and heating repair that’s a little more pricey. That’s where the question of efficiency comes into play.
Do you risk making an expensive repair to an older system, or is it better to upgrade the cooling and heating equipment to a brand-new setup? Talking through your options with a local HVAC technician can help you weigh the pros and cons.
We all want to be comfortable indoors. So when the cooling and heating equipment starts acting up, you need to identify the issue and get the right repair parts on order. Ideally these types of repairs will be few and far between.
New HVAC Compressors: The compressor is a vital component of an air conditioning system. Consequently, having to replace it can be one of the most expensive repairs.
Heat Exchanger Replacement: This applies to furnaces. Replacing a faulty heat exchanger can be a costly repair, no matter what size the unit might be.
Blower Motors: The blower motor is responsible for circulating air in the HVAC system. Any malfunctions will need to be replaced ASAP to get the equipment back on track. We also carry blower wheels.
Evaporator Coils: The evaporator coil is part of the air conditioning system. Sometimes they can develop leaks and will need to be swapped out.
New Condenser Coils: Similar to the evaporator coil, the condenser coil in the air conditioner’s outdoor unit may run into problems with age.
Control Board Replacement: The control board regulates the functions of the HVAC system. If the board is faulty, then the equipment wouldn’t be able to appropriately regulate the cooling and heating.
Refrigerant Leak Repair: If you have a refrigerant leak in the HVAC system, the technician first needs to locate the problem before they can make the repair. This can be a little tricky and time-consuming on its own. Then after that, the system also needs to get recharged.
Budgeting for an HVAC repair is never fun. But having a reliable supplier can help you cut down on those upfront costs with affordable, brand-name repair parts. Come to us first!
If you need to get your cooling and heating back up and running, our affordable HVAC repair parts can help you get the job done right.
Surplus City is the trusted HVAC equipment supplier for small business owners and technicians, as well as property owners, contractors, and even maintenance managers too. We’re proud to offer a wide range of brand-new HVAC parts that priced to sell and ready to ship. Let’s see how much you can save! When you shop with us, your next big repair project doesn’t have to break the bank.